Monday, February 18, 2013

A New Perspective

Artists, Musicians, freaks, beasts and degenerates; all enamored by the beauty of the dark, the taboo, and the slums of love.  Artists like Salvador Dali, and R. Crumb; Musicians like Kurdt Cobain, Jim Morrison, and Elvis Presley; freaks and beasts like writer and author Charles Bukowski, Ernest Hemmingway and Dr. Hunter S. Thompson;  all have changed the world in some supernatural way, starting fires, creating wheels, pulling us from the monotony.
So what is out there now?  What’s on your playlist, does it break the mold?  Lately it seems as if music has went from “Gangnam Style” to “The Harlem Shake”, and the days of sampling vinyl and playing an instrument have become lost arts.  However, there are still bands out there, still playing great music; Bands like the Deftones, Everlast, Bullet for my Valentine, and newer bands like Imagine Dragons, Mumford and Sons, and Hot Water Music.  Unfortunatly finding newer up coming artist or even artists writing new music has become the new challenge, surfing through Youtube or Vevo is about the only option out there, and since many of these artist have been shoved to the side, it has been increasingly more difficult to gain a new perspective of new music.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell. A mild introduction to a soon to be not so mild critique on music today and of yesterday.

Music thrives on some consumption of its own mortality, like a jester playing king, but when does this self-proposed degradation of reality become more than just a simple reproduction of everything else.  The industry seems to be able to churn out this seemingly endless supply of superfluous entertainers like it was as simple as molding clay into unsophisticated geometric shapes, and where the industry ends their madness the media perpetuates it, spinning it like a broken record.  However, when music breaks that image, that image the industry so kindly pushes down the mouth of the mass populace, something beautiful is created.  This perfect symbiotic relationship happens between the frustrated lackluster lost soul each one of us have and that significant message that we are not alone creating a way to break free of that, to lose ourselves in a moment, find that one epiphany, that one thing to drive us forward.  Driven by an unexplainable force to create something not for affluence, but for a higher purpose, to shed light in the dark places, to find the forgotten, and bringing them back from the bellows of Hell.